Tag Archives: Usability testing

Chapter 15 – Test! Test! Test!

Why is usability testing important? As a technical writer, this is the most important step. You need to make sure that your user is getting the most out of your product. In order to do this, you must conduct numerous usability tests with varying degrees of participants.

This is a recipe for usability testing. Here are your ingredients:

Real issues
Real people
Real tasks
Real data
Real insights
Real changes

Here are your steps:

Plan it out
Conduct your research
Analyze your data
Develop and submit a report
Use the results to make changes and adjustments

Optional variations:

Test remotely
Test remotely using an outside party
Think global
Test groups and individuals
Consider alternative test methods

Focus groups are great, but they have their faults. Just as a jury can be persuading by one person’s comment, focus groups can do the same. Be careful. JUST TEST IT!

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Filed under Letting Go of the Words by Redish